Monday 16 July 2018

Prepared for the worst

Thanks to the advice from some biking peeps at RBS and my bro', I have purchased some of Avon's Skin So Soft, which apart from keeping my rough old skin as smooth as a new born's botty, will apparently deter any midges from wanting to lunch on me. I've read many a review praising the stuff as a midge repellent, in fact more than I have for it being good to the skin. Hopefully it will do the trick, that's if the heatwave we've experienced, yes even in Scotland, hasn't killed them off first. Either way, I'm prepared.

By the time I start the trip, I shall be retired, with my last working day being the day before. I have some holiday to take before then, so I have plenty of time to plan my packing, etc.

If you've not already done so, then you should sign up for email updates, otherwise you risk missing out on how I get on. For now though, I'll bid you farewell. I'll be back in touch on 2nd August.

Avon's midge repellent

1 comment:

  1. Tried some on my head and arms when I took the dog for a walk.... still got bitten by some little insect swine!
